################################################################ # To bet, login to vina then use /q bet option game amount # where option is one of the following: sevilla draw deportivo.alaves # and game is one of the following: # catte blackjack chinesepoker paigow bigtwo domino tienlen xito phom tusac xep chan lottery # the amount bet is at most 2M for black and 20M for blue # and is no more than half of your money above 5M # with 100K guaranteed for everyone # When you bet, the server takes your game money immediately # All times are in US central time (Texas time) ################################################################ BET2 START: 2024/09/20 06:26 CDT BET2 END: 2024/09/20 14:00 CDT MONEYLINE: deportivo.alaves +115 sevilla +270 draw +210 ODDS: sevilla 3.7 draw 3.1 deportivo.alaves 2.15 Bet 100000 on sevilla to win 370000 Bet 100000 on draw to win 310000 Bet 100000 on deportivo.alaves to win 215000 WINNER: N/A BETTING EXAMPLES: (for $100000 game money) /q BET2 sevilla catte 100000 /q BET2 sevilla blackjack 100000 /q BET2 sevilla chinesepoker 100000 /q BET2 sevilla paigow 100000 /q BET2 sevilla bigtwo 100000 /q BET2 sevilla domino 100000 /q BET2 sevilla tienlen 100000 /q BET2 sevilla xito 100000 /q BET2 sevilla phom 100000 /q BET2 sevilla tusac 100000 /q BET2 sevilla xep 100000 /q BET2 sevilla chan 100000 /q BET2 sevilla lottery 100000 /q BET2 draw catte 100000 /q BET2 draw blackjack 100000 /q BET2 draw chinesepoker 100000 /q BET2 draw paigow 100000 /q BET2 draw bigtwo 100000 /q BET2 draw domino 100000 /q BET2 draw tienlen 100000 /q BET2 draw xito 100000 /q BET2 draw phom 100000 /q BET2 draw tusac 100000 /q BET2 draw xep 100000 /q BET2 draw chan 100000 /q BET2 draw lottery 100000 /q BET2 deportivo.alaves catte 100000 /q BET2 deportivo.alaves blackjack 100000 /q BET2 deportivo.alaves chinesepoker 100000 /q BET2 deportivo.alaves paigow 100000 /q BET2 deportivo.alaves bigtwo 100000 /q BET2 deportivo.alaves domino 100000 /q BET2 deportivo.alaves tienlen 100000 /q BET2 deportivo.alaves xito 100000 /q BET2 deportivo.alaves phom 100000 /q BET2 deportivo.alaves tusac 100000 /q BET2 deportivo.alaves xep 100000 /q BET2 deportivo.alaves chan 100000 /q BET2 deportivo.alaves lottery 100000 Use '/q UNBET2' to undo your previous bet # BET2: nick outcome game amount BET2: acquy15 draw chan 5000000 => if win: +15500000 BET2: aika deportivo.alaves domino 1000000 => if win: +2150000 BET2: aila deportivo.alaves domino 1000000 => if win: +2150000 BET2: anh_ne deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: anhkhotx deportivo.alaves tusac 12179245 => if win: +24876107 BET2: athea deportivo.alaves domino 1000000 => if win: +2150000 BET2: bananas deportivo.alaves phom 17609999 => if win: +35968422 BET2: banhbo deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: baole draw tusac 20000000 => if win: +62000000 BET2: bee deportivo.alaves tusac 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: beyeucuaanh deportivo.alaves domino 13066848 => if win: +26689037 BET2: bichlan33 sevilla tusac 10000000 => if win: +37000000 BET2: bongsen deportivo.alaves tienlen 2000000 => if win: +4085000 BET2: bonplban sevilla tusac 2000000 => if win: +7400000 BET2: bungbuditteo sevilla tienlen 2828389 => if win: +10465039 BET2: bupbebihu sevilla domino 4500000 => if win: +16650000 BET2: byentrove deportivo.alaves lottery 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: caothienkim_ deportivo.alaves lottery 8740000 => if win: +17851450 BET2: celtics_0218 deportivo.alaves lottery 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: chan_mot_doi deportivo.alaves domino 2000000 => if win: +4085000 BET2: chemvit sevilla domino 1994260 => if win: +7378762 BET2: chicken deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: chicoem draw xep 1391667 => if win: +4314167 BET2: chieu_quan deportivo.alaves domino 2000000 => if win: +4085000 BET2: chithethoi deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: coffe_candy sevilla phom 16574744 => if win: +61326552 BET2: crazy_horse draw chan 2000000 => if win: +6200000 BET2: crazy_wolf draw chan 5000000 => if win: +15500000 BET2: cro deportivo.alaves tusac 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: cx5_ deportivo.alaves tusac 20000000 => if win: +43000000 BET2: daladivang sevilla domino 2000000 => if win: +7400000 BET2: daotachaihoa sevilla tienlen 5000000 => if win: +18500000 BET2: dat_ma_su_to sevilla phom 3547297 => if win: +13124998 BET2: deghetkhoua draw tienlen 2000000 => if win: +6200000 BET2: dem7ngay3 sevilla chinesepoker 19000000 => if win: +70300000 BET2: dieumonguoc deportivo.alaves tienlen 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: dn deportivo.alaves tusac 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: doccocaubai sevilla phom 5000000 => if win: +18500000 BET2: doccocuukiem sevilla domino 4000000 => if win: +14800000 BET2: doilathe777 deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: donovan_1975 draw tusac 6504900 => if win: +20165190 BET2: duoihaytren_ deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: duy_seattle deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: duyenphan_ deportivo.alaves lottery 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: emkhotx deportivo.alaves tienlen 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: faustus deportivo.alaves tienlen 6000000 => if win: +12255000 BET2: fbi_007 deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: feilong_ky deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: gai_baodem sevilla tusac 20000000 => if win: +74000000 BET2: galangbuon74 sevilla tienlen 2000000 => if win: +7400000 BET2: galangtinhxu sevilla tienlen 2000000 => if win: +7400000 BET2: gerbera draw tienlen 5000000 => if win: +15500000 BET2: giolebacdau deportivo.alaves lottery 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: hailua555 sevilla tienlen 2000000 => if win: +7400000 BET2: hankedoida deportivo.alaves lottery 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: hayde_toiyen deportivo.alaves tienlen 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: haytraloiem deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: heonaileocay sevilla domino 4500000 => if win: +16650000 BET2: hoai_yeu draw lottery 5656564 => if win: +17535348 BET2: hoaiyeu deportivo.alaves lottery 9784561 => if win: +19984965 BET2: hoathiencot deportivo.alaves xep 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: hpdl1234 deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: huadianh deportivo.alaves tusac 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: iam_comeback deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: jeffduccao deportivo.alaves lottery 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: jet_911 deportivo.alaves domino 7759299 => if win: +15848368 BET2: kamasutra sevilla phom 5000000 => if win: +18500000 BET2: kiss_3m sevilla tienlen 2000000 => if win: +7400000 BET2: koala deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: ku deportivo.alaves tusac 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: longtu07 deportivo.alaves lottery 1760000 => if win: +3594800 BET2: luckmypissy deportivo.alaves xep 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: m10 deportivo.alaves tusac 20000000 => if win: +43000000 BET2: ma_xichtho deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: mango deportivo.alaves tusac 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: manllyy_10 sevilla xito 2000000 => if win: +7400000 BET2: mavs_0283 deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: minh0n sevilla phom 3310810 => if win: +12249997 BET2: minhminh5 sevilla tienlen 15000000 => if win: +55500000 BET2: moi_tap_choi sevilla domino 13991172 => if win: +51767336 BET2: mua_chieu08 deportivo.alaves lottery 6321230 => if win: +12911112 BET2: myhuyen15 sevilla tusac 10000000 => if win: +37000000 BET2: ngaycuoi512 deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: nguluc draw chinesepoker 1000000 => if win: +3100000 BET2: nguoiaylaem draw tienlen 17828416 => if win: +55268089 BET2: nguoitinhvna draw tienlen 7526140 => if win: +23331034 BET2: nhatkiem deportivo.alaves domino 300000 => if win: +645000 BET2: nhatminng deportivo.alaves tienlen 7000000 => if win: +15050000 BET2: nhi_ca deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: noibuonxotxa sevilla tienlen 2000000 => if win: +7400000 BET2: on deportivo.alaves domino 5000000 => if win: +10212500 BET2: one1return deportivo.alaves domino 11766223 => if win: +24032510 BET2: only_bet deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: only_domino deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: oppadapchai sevilla phom 20000000 => if win: +74000000 BET2: phungquan deportivo.alaves lottery 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: phuonganh24 deportivo.alaves domino 6000000 => if win: +12255000 BET2: quat_ba_tieu sevilla tienlen 3108108 => if win: +11499999 BET2: que_lam sevilla tienlen 20000000 => if win: +74000000 BET2: quynhanh_ deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: saigon_85 draw tienlen 20000000 => if win: +62000000 BET2: satthuhaihoa sevilla phom 3378378 => if win: +12499998 BET2: sea_doo24 deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: selina draw tienlen 20000000 => if win: +62000000 BET2: sg1656 sevilla tienlen 2000000 => if win: +7400000 BET2: song_ve_dem deportivo.alaves domino 2000000 => if win: +4085000 BET2: songvedem sevilla tienlen 2000000 => if win: +7400000 BET2: sotaumc565 sevilla tienlen 2000000 => if win: +7400000 BET2: stephanie_ deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: stevenluong1 draw tienlen 5000000 => if win: +15500000 BET2: sun_em_2901 sevilla phom 3800000 => if win: +14060000 BET2: t_b_l_31_3 deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: tacungvui sevilla xito 2000000 => if win: +7400000 BET2: tai_anh_do sevilla xep 10000000 => if win: +37000000 BET2: tanchaudao deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: tet2015 deportivo.alaves lottery 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: tet2016 deportivo.alaves lottery 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: th0408 sevilla xep 10000000 => if win: +37000000 BET2: thamcungdiep deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: thanhthanh35 sevilla lottery 2500000 => if win: +9250000 BET2: the_moon sevilla lottery 4000000 => if win: +14800000 BET2: the_sun_2908 sevilla phom 3783783 => if win: +13999997 BET2: thientri draw chinesepoker 1000000 => if win: +3100000 BET2: thuawaita deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: tieuthu0tien sevilla domino 4054054 => if win: +14999999 BET2: tinh_ly_biet deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: tinh_vui deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: tinhdoi sevilla xep 10000000 => if win: +37000000 BET2: tinhthienly deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: tinhvatien deportivo.alaves lottery 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: tmt draw phom 20000000 => if win: +62000000 BET2: toikhongtin deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: toingheoso1 deportivo.alaves domino 8234828 => if win: +16819636 BET2: tommyly92 deportivo.alaves lottery 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: tonitesocold draw chinesepoker 3000000 => if win: +9300000 BET2: tranvi sevilla xito 2000000 => if win: +7400000 BET2: trieu_minh sevilla tienlen 20000000 => if win: +74000000 BET2: two2return deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: vodanh81 sevilla xep 2000000 => if win: +7400000 BET2: wait_and_see deportivo.alaves domino 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: xa_xatham draw paigow 5000000 => if win: +15500000 BET2: xichlohoa sevilla tienlen 2000000 => if win: +7400000 BET2: xinkocho deportivo.alaves phom 20000000 => if win: +40850000 BET2: z_cobra_z deportivo.alaves chinesepoker 10000000 => if win: +20425000 BET2: zo deportivo.alaves tienlen 5000000 => if win: +10212500 Number of bets: 145 Last modified on 2024/09/20 13:56 CDT